Value added services
We focus on the core. But there are some exciting extras that come with your Sunrise investment account.
Get to know our features
Free fund units for finance gurus
The BizQuiz is our weekly live investment quiz. We distribute free fund units worth 250 Euros among everyone you can answer all ten questions (or nine, in case you got a magical joker).
Dollar cost averaging on steroids
Savings plans benefit from what is generally referred to as dollar cost averaging. Because you always invest the same amount, you end up buying more units when prices are low and less units when prices are high, which should benefit your long term return. The Sunrise autopilot puts this strategy on overdrive by automatically executing a second purchase at times the fund price declines.
Do good and talk about it
Many Sunrise investors have investment accounts which are named after their children. Often they not only invest for their own children but for their nieces, nephews, god children or other loved ones. Our read-only access feature enables you to invite others to watch selected depots. No touching. Just watching. So they know what good you do for them or yourself.
Raise your voice
Whether you want to raise your voice or simply ask for feedback, the Sunrise community is there for you. We very much enjoy the interaction with our community and we treasure direct interaction about anything that is remotely connected to our labor: ensuring equity returns end up in the pockets of many.